NEARDROP is an easy way to onboard someone new to the NEAR ecosystem by sending them a linkdrop URL to which will send the receiver to the NEAR wallet. In this guide you will learn how to mass-generate onboarding links! Warning: Be sure to store your NEARDROP seed phrase in a safe at step 4, you’ll not be able to recover your Linkdrop account on another device without it.

1. Go to the NEARDROP Dashboard

2. Connect Wallet

3. Connect to

4. Backup your NEAR Linkdrop specific seed phrase

5. Deposit 5 NEAR to create your own Linkdrop Smart Contract

6. Create new Campaign

7. Specify Campaign Details

8. Confirm Campaign details

9. Confirm in wallet

10. Success, your drops are ready

11. Generate Custom QR codes out of the Linkdrop URLs

If you wish to generate QR codes you need to submit each of the URLs into a QR code generator tool like You can add colours, your own logo and so forth. Be aware if you wish the QR code to look great you need to also shorten each link using a centralized service like

12. Receiving a linkdrop

Claiming a linkdrop is easy, just click the URL or scan a linkdrop QR code

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Last updated