
Goal: empowering community leaders to independently organize local events around the world in order to build awareness of NEAR and engage contributors in strategic ways.

NEAR Meetup Handbook

Our step-by-step guide will help your local guild coordinate a successful NEAR Meetup.

  1. Planning

  2. Preparation

  3. Proposal

  4. Promotion

  5. Participation

Let us know if you are hosting a meetup near your city! Write a forum post in our section re: Community Events, and feel free to request a meeting with James Waugh of NEAR Foundation, who can hopefully answer any questions.


Agenda Template

  • Date + Time

  • Venue

  • Topic / Speakers

  • Opportunities --> CTA

  • Relevant Links


Check your local regulations re: COVID - would it be safe to host a meetup?



  • Co-working space or office (good for presentations and workshops)

  • Cafe / restaurant / pub (good for social meetups)

  • Hotel conference room (good for large meetups)

Before you book:

  • Confirm the number of people you would like to invite

  • Confirm date, time, and the duration

  • Confirm equipment needed (whiteboard, projector, etc.)

Make sure the venue is booked at least 2-3 weeks before the actual meetup.


Do you have any speakers in mind? If so, make sure they confirm their attendance weeks in advance, so they can help with promoting your meetup. Once they confirm, please coordinate on logistics once you have the meetup agenda.

Food + Drinks

Contact local vendors that provide catering services and take care of any logistics.


Have you decided on a topic? If not, here is a list of suggested topics:

  • Development

  • Use Cases

  • Governance

  • AssemblyScript

  • Interoperability

Once you have confirmed the topic, here is a folder containing various resources you can use for your meetup: workshops, presentations, etc.

Swag for Attendees

Event Page

We provide local communities with their own group on, leveraging our Pro account. Alternatively, event organizers may use another solution like Eventbrite.

Tips for a good event description:

  • Detailed: give people an idea what your event is about

  • Organized: explain things in a clear order, so it will be easy to digest

  • Visual: upload a photo or image to give a better feel for the event

Attendees will receive an email automatically when they sign up. You can customize settings to make sure they are properly / sufficiently notified. Ideally, the content would be personalized for your target audience(s).


Craft your message with a link to your event, and begin sharing ± 3 weeks prior. Be sure to leverage social media, and ideally, collaborators in your guild will help.

You can submit a request for support from the NEAR Marketing Team:

Contact if you need further support.


Generally, send an email to thank attendees, and follow up via social media. Specifically, reach out personally to any special “leads” generated, and give NF a heads up if necessary.


Reply to your original forum post with an update on the meetup for accountability. Please include all metrics of success outlined in the proposal. Key results help others understand the value and importance of what you are doing.

Last updated